early Sample Videos
1. Introduction: Wheat Head Counter and Wheat Kernel Counter
- The thousand kilogram weight (TKW) is the weight of one thousand seeds from a random sample. Prior to seeding a crop, producers must know the TKW to calculate a target weight of seed per acre, to calculate the optimal seeding rate per acre, to calibrate a seed drill, and to estimate the crop yields.
- For farmers and growers, real-time wheat yield estimation is often performed by randomly selecting and manually counting the number of harvestable heads from a specific length of plant row in various locations around a field. By counting kernels on heads, determining the distance between rows and applying each measure to a formula, an approximate yield can be calculated.
Note: You can click the three dot at the bottom left to download and play the video.
2. SuperGeoAI Wheat Kernel Counter Mobile App Demo (Draft)
Users take a handful of wheat kernels, place them on a standard A4 paper, and take a photo with a mobile device. Our application can count and label each kernel in the photo within one second.
The following video aims to test the accuracy of SuperGeoAI wheat kernel count mobile application through the following steps.
- Use Pixel 6 Pro to take a photo of the wheat seeds. The app says that the number of seeds is 168.
- Shake the wheat seeds and take another photo. The app says that the number of seeds is still 168.
- Separate the wheat seeds into two parts. The app says that the first part is 95 and the second part is 73. The total number is still 168 (=95+73).
- Take 8 seeds out. The app says that 8 seeds are taken out and there are 160 seeds left.
The SuperGeoAI mobile application has successfully passed the test!
You can download this Mobile app video at Here.
3. SuperGeoAI FDK Detector Mobile App Demo (Draft)
Users take a handful of wheat seeds with Fusarium damaged kernels (FDK), place them on a standard A4 paper, and take a photo with a mobile device. Our application can count and label each seed and FDK in the photo within one second.
The following video aims to test the accuracy of SuperGeoAI FDK detector mobile application through the following steps.
- Use Pixel 6 Pro to take a photo of the wheat seeds. The app says that there are a total of 43 seeds, 5 FDK seeds, and 38 normal seeds.
- We take one FDK seeds and two normal seeds out, and take another photo. The app says that there are a total of 40 seeds, 4 FDK seeds, and 36 normal seeds.
The SuperGeoAI mobile application has successfully passed the test!
You can download this Mobile app video at Here.
4. SuperGeoAI Wheat Head Mobile Application Demo (Draft)
With our solution, farmers use smartphones, cameras, or drones to take photos of wheat heads instead of manually counting them. Our application can calculate crop yield (such as bushels per acre) from these images in real-time. This is a demo. We are still working on the real-time crop yield estimation.
You can download this Mobile app video at Here.
5. SuperGeoAI Web Application to Count and Grade Wheat Kernels (Draft Demo)
After users upload a wheat kernel image, the platform will automatically count and label each seed in the photo within one second. It can also identify and label Fusarium damaged kernels [FDK]. In addition, users can visualize results and verify accuracy, manually fixing any errors and achieving better accuracy if necessary. This is an early demo. We are still working on the cloud platform.